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The BetterGrass Program

To grow better grass means finding out what the balances and ratios of minerals are in your soil and fodder and then implementing a simple, but cost effective programme of soil nutrient balancing and the correct use of fertilisers if required.


A good quality grass needs 20 or more minerals and your stock needs ALL of these if they are to enjoy good health and grow as they should.  Increasing mineral levels in grass will improve the immune system in the animals that eat it – hence Better Grass!


The BetterGrass Program has EVOLVED!

We are continuously working to improve our products to make them the best we can to do the best job for our clients; with this in mind we now have a RANGE of BetterGrass products to suit every client and every situation. A forage/silage sample will confirm which is the most suitable product for your requirements.

BetterGrass Liquid – 3 types

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